About this Course

About this course


For the beginner- This course covers all the basics, it helps you clear up any misconceptions, gain clarity and direction on your spiritual path.

This course introduces you to new concepts at your own pace so you can take time to absorb the information.

Key concepts will help plants seeds of awareness for the awakening process to occur in a natural, unforced manner.

Awakening can be difficult. When we are in its early stages we can feel as if everything we know has been turned upside down. That’s why it’s important to research, practice, reflect, and allow yourself time to process. By actively engaging in these pursuits, you’ll set a new direction for your life.


For anyone already on the path- This course offers a review of the basics, often we enter the spiritual path in a haphazard manner, eclectically choosing this or that. This course can fill in any gaps in your learning giving you a more solid foundation to build on.

In addition to this, each section in this course is multi-layered. So that, to the initiate the material is new and as such accessible on a beginner level, but to someone further along the path a higher level of awareness can be accessed, through the same information.

It’s a little like watching a complex movie for the 2nd time and understanding things you missed the first time, information vital to the plot that went over your head before is now readily apparent.


This course has three sections

Section 1 Exploration- An introduction to spiritual techniques, or for those with more experience a brush-up. Discusses what awakening is and how to invite it into your life. Covers ways to develop spiritually, methods that I have used for decades, and share with you.

Section 2 Awakening- This is the heart of the course. Discusses shadow elements, self-love, coping skills, releasing fears, obstacles, patterns and finally connecting with higher consciousness and perception, the training that creates awakening.

Section 3 Tools and Resources for Awakening- Here I have included an Action Plan Worksheet designed to help you create your 3-year vision and a 12-month Action Plan for Awakening. This comes with videos and an example Action Plan Worksheet. I have also included guided meditations on key concepts within the course to guide you through and fortify what you have learned. 

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